writing is scary...adding the expectation of what your writing should look like is what creates the pressure and stops us from writing the focus on writing "well," or telling the most revealing and painful stories is a recipe for disaster. it's an announcement to your brain, your heart and the world that since this is what i'm going to write, it's going to be hard, so i already have a pass to not do it. i see this all the time...i see folks focusing on their legacy or trying to understand something painful in their past, trying to grow or heal past it by setting out to write the most painful story they know... that's a lot of pressure, it also does not create great story. story is like happiness, it comes from the writer learning to observe life and record your specific, deep observations...it is moment to moment, truly seeing and reimagining your world. it comes from every lived moment being an adventure that you've decided to take and as you chart the waters of the adventure, noticing how it makes you feel and how others respond... going to the store with my mom or my grandmother was always an adventure...we chose the outfits, we chose what we wanted to look at and then allowed ourselves to be in the experience of buying smoked gouda at the jewish deli....we would ask questions, how the cheese got there, how they make it, why they chose it...and then we'd sample... this is where i learned that living my life fully in the moment is writing....it's the best story there is and the story that comes out of it is the story that wants to be told....nine times of ten, you're getting too busy to write because what you've decided to write about is actually not that important... what is completely within ur power is to be fulfilled and embarrassingly happy...i was so busy becoming an great actor w/a legacy that i forgot to have a beautiful life...i am now having that life and it's better than anything else i've created... what's important is how you've decided to live your life in the moment. so try writing about that instead of running away from writing, let it be a reflection of your joy, pain, kooky adventures day to day....in that reflection is a life well lived and one worthy of recording